
Friday, February 26, 2010

a really interesting idea from my architecture reading.

I'm currently doing my architecture reading and I came across this really interesting point. it's related to being successful

it says:

'Reaction is essential to progress and enemies as valuable as asset in any forward moement as friends, provided they are honest; if they are intelligent as well then they are invaluable.'

I totally get this! enemies will tell you if your work sucks. then you can grown and learn from this knowledge...people close to you will lie about your work in order to not offend you.

3OH!3 - STARSTRUKK ft. Katy Perry cover

Hey what a week it's been. I've just started uni again for the year and that's really exciting and scary at the same time. I don't think I'm ready for all the stress architecture brings. oh well. gotta go with the flow...

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I've finally uploaded the vision of me singing STARSTRUKK by 30H!3. Man I love this song! this took me absolute ages! it really did...

I did about 25 takes when shooting and in the video I used about 15 or 16 of them. Intense!!! the editing took for ever...

The challenging thing was, on the day of filming, I had to work at 3. so I only had half a day to film (considering how late I get out of bed!) and it was one of the most hottest days ever...hahaha. so in the heat - and stressed for time - I can't believe I managed to complete this!...especially some of those dance I didn't know how much work dancing can be!! haha

so I think that sums it up...

I'd love to hear your thought. maybe some suggestions for future videos. or ideas to make my videos better. remember I'm only new to this filming thing...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lost my glasses again at qut. Doing a quick search now...mum's not gonna be happy. woops

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

First day back at uni. It seems like forever since i left. I'm so tired right now...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Just bought an orchid from garbo. Its very beautiful. Its flowers are white with purple spots
Trees are so helpful and shady. What would we do without them?
One day i want to be a ninja. But until that day come i guess i'm stuck being stephen

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Empty spaces what are we living for...whatever happenes ill leave it all to chance...

somebody watching me by Michael Jacskon

Just realised 'somebodys watchin you' is sung by michael jackson. He was a legend
I'm slowly managing to release all the chains. I'm almost free...

Solutions By The Sundance Kids

Solutions - The Sundance Kids

man I love this song!!! I just heard it on the radio about 30mins ago. well actually when I was driving home from SNL (Sunday night live).

The lyrics are great and the melodies are real!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

my official website launch

my website is up and running!!!! woot!!!!

wow what a journey it's been to get my website up and running!!! it's taken about 6 months of designing, redesigning, more designing, perfecting, changing host sites, trying new applications...I think you get the picture...but it's finally done!!!

I'd love for you to check it out and let me know what you think? possibly even sign my guest book.

another thing you should know about my website is that I've allowed people to join my site and create a profile on it. so it's sorta like a mini myspace...

also there's chat capability on there that's really cool. so you can chat with me but also anyone that is online on myspace or facebook...pretty cool hey!!

anyway, I hope you enjoy my site and please let me know if you have any suggestions for things to add or change or anything you don't like. I'm open to all comments...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

free download of my latest single 'To The Sun'

hey I've had a lot of requests from people asking me where they can download my latest single, "To The Sun," from. So I've decided to allow you to download it for free when you join my mailing list. and I promise I won't spam you through my mailing list. I usually just send out an email every month keeping you up to date with my progress into the music industry.

BlankBand website template

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stephen Carmichael's Australia's got talent audition

here's my Australia's got talent audition. I was so tired!!! it was 12:10 in the morning and I'd waited 11 hours. was it worth it? yes!!! It was such an awesome day and I met heaps of interesting people and made a heap of friends.

however, they didn't tell us if we got through or not. so my fingers are still crossed as they have been for the past three days haha.

anyway, how do you think I went? and also bare in mind that I heard about the audition the day b4! so I'm really pulling this song out of nowhere...

the aus got talent gang!

here's the aus got talent gang. it's about 11pm here.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Memories Acoustic Cover by David Guetta Feat. Kid Cudi

okay for the record this song rocks!!! you have to go and listen to the original. David Guetta is the king of dance music!!! anyway, in light of that I wanted to do an acoustic version of his amazing song Memories. I've tried to give it my own vibe. but hopefully I've done it justice!!

whatcha think?

Friday, February 5, 2010

"Black Light" Live at The Uber

Hey for those how didn't get a chance to come down to my gig at the Uber here's a video of one of my songs - Black Light.

It's a little bit different to the one on my myspace page. I've developed it a little more. It's longer and it has a more of a dance beat. I really liked the vibe of this though...

anyway, I've had a few people ask how did my gig at the Uber went. to be honest not too good. we had the worst sound guy ever!!!!! we were going through our first song and he left the club. and throughout our first song we had this really boomy feedback!!! it was horrible. my worst nightmare for any live performance. it just got louder and louder!!! hahaha

anyway, he finally came back after my cousins boyfriend ran and got him (thanks mate!). anyway, when he came back he got rid of the feedback thankfully. but for the rest of the time he was on this phone texting!!!!!!! so many things needed to be changed and adjusted...

anyway, he was a really nice guy anyway. it's just that he didn't know what he was doing behind a sound desk...maybe I'm just a bit of a perfectionist??

anyway, leave your thoughts and let me know what you think of this version of black light??

Hey it's finally come!!! it's been a long 3-4 months working on this track. and to be honest it's been crazy!! I've done so many different versions of this song and perfected every aspect, every idea, and refined countless melodies. so here it is!!!

standalone player

so let me know what you think!!! does it sink or float or burst out of the water in a stream of excellence. hahaha. only kidding.




About Me

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HI I’m Stephen Carmichael. I’m a Brisbane, based Musician, composer and artist. I’m inspired my bands and artists such as The Presets, MGMT, Empire of the Sun and the one and only Michael Jackson. I’ve been writing music for the past 5 years and without it I don’t know what I would do! When I write music, I write about anything and anyone, and also what going on inside my head. Music is my life!

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