
Sunday, December 6, 2009

what is an artist - shift in thoughts

In the last two months I've had a major shift in my thinking. I once thought that I would write music for myself and then hope that people would like it. Now, I've realized that this is very selfish.

What is an artist? what is their purpose?

I've been thinking about this for sometime and it seems that everything in life has a purpose.

We need the 'bin man' (lady) to come and collect and clear out our bin otherwise where would we put out trash? we need the bin 'person'. We need farmers to produce out food other wise we'll have nothing to eat. we need tech guys, and mobile phone people and the nurses and the doctors and the architects and the builders. But do we need the artists?

the answer is yes.

I was on a crowded bus a few days ago when I was coming home from doing Christmas shopping. and there was barley enough room for me to even stand. NO one looked particularly happy on this bus. In fact everyone looked kind of miserable. But I wouldn't blame them. it was stinking hot, the bus smelt like crazy and, like I said, we were packed in like sardines.

What I noticed was that almost everyone was listening to music. They could have just sat there. why did they need the music?

Here is my reason. None of our lives are perfect. And it probably never will be. (sorry to be pessimistic). but what music gives us is an escape. we no longer have to be sitting on that bus we can be where ever our mind shall wonder; wherever the music takes us. art is a medium for people to free themselves from their life.

so when I know write my music. I'm not writing for myself. I'm writing for you. this is the purpose of an artist....

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About Me

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HI I’m Stephen Carmichael. I’m a Brisbane, based Musician, composer and artist. I’m inspired my bands and artists such as The Presets, MGMT, Empire of the Sun and the one and only Michael Jackson. I’ve been writing music for the past 5 years and without it I don’t know what I would do! When I write music, I write about anything and anyone, and also what going on inside my head. Music is my life!

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